Wednesday, March 02, 2005

What a great and holy assignment: To spread knowledge of the Ramayana.

The book is the RAMAYANA. We have several abridged English versions. Here is the COMPLETE UNABRIDGED Sanskrit, Hindi Englishversion. ISBN #81- 208-0762-6 TULASIDASA'S SRI RAMACARITAMANASA -The Holy Lake of the Acts of Rama (A Romanized Edition) Published by BHARITIYA VIDYA BHAVAN. I like this one as a complete reference and teaching and inspirational resource for living life and beyond. I purchased it from Butala Emporium in Edison New Jersey . They have offices all around the world.

Online I found several links through doing a Google search on ButalaEmporium. Mr Butala is dedicated to helping bring the Indianteachings and traditions world wide, and has store everywhere

Other English editions (highly abridged)Ramayana: A journey, by Ranchor Prime ISBN 1-566-49-069-3 is one Milk Baba particularly liked, as it has many full color pictures whichMilk Baba said were very authentic. Other than that, any bookstore, especially a spiritual one, shouldhave a variety of copies to choose from.

The Ramayana is one million years old, according to Milk Baba. It waswritten in the Sanskrit language 6000 years ago by Valmiki - a greatsinner who became a great saint! - After sitting in meditation for 12years, during which time a giant ant heap was created all around his body. When he emerged from this transformative process, he was able to record the Ramayana. Approximately 400 years ago, Tulsidas translated the great epic and spiritual guide into the modern languageof the people at that time, Hindi. Now it is available in many languages all around the world - for the upliftment and teaching of all.

We are pleased in this web project here to continue the great tradition of helping people learn of this great and profound teaching from a highest source and to make it more and more accessible to ever widening groups of people.

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If you have additional resources about the Ramayana, please click on COMMENTS and enter your information. Thanks!

Also please share your experiences of reading the Ramayana by clicking on COMMENTS.


copyright 2005, Pat Crosby. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We would be happy to host Milk Baba anytime ... so Baba is
welcome to stay with us almost anytime.

PS: I've been reading one of your recommened version of Ramayana
purchased through a link on your webpage.